Psychological research about Social Responsibility factors: An Iberoamerican Study in colleges

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Psychological research about Social Responsibility factors: An Iberoamerican Study in colleges

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Martí Noguera, Juan José Martí Vilar, Manuel Almerich Cerveró, Gonzalo Marí Ripa, Daniel 2014-04-16T13:11:48Z 2014-04-16T13:11:48Z 2011
dc.identifier.citation Martí, J.J.; martí-Vilar, M.; Almerich, G. y Ripa, D. (2011). Psychological research about Social Responsibility factors: An Iberoamerican Study in colleges. En 12th European Congress of Psychology. Istanbul 04/08 July 2011 es_ES
dc.description.abstract La Responsabilidad Social ha sido estudiada por el análisis de modelos de dirección en organizaciones. De una perspectiva psicológica, el estudio sobre qué variables humanas son importantes en el desarrollo de un comportamiento social responsable tiene que ser explorado. Nuestra investigación propone que ser social responsable pudiera ser mediado por valores humanos y capacidades enpáticas, y con el objetivo de conocimiento que se mejora sobre la responsabilidad social hemos desarrollado un estudio en estudiantes de colegio de España, Chile, Colombia y Perú, hemos enfocado la evaluación sobre como los valores y la empatía influyen en el comportamiento social responsable. La metodología aplicado ha sido el empleo de una plataforma virtual donde recibieron cuestionarios y respondidos por 861 estudiantes. Los datos han sido analizados por la estadística descriptiva es_ES
dc.description.abstract Social Responsibility has been studied through the analysis of management models in organizations. From a psychologist perspective, the study about which human variables are important in the development of a social responsible behaviour needs to be explored. Our research proposes that being social responsible could be mediated by human values and empathetic abilities, and with the aim of improving knowledge about social responsibility we have developed a study in college students from Spain, Chile, Colombia and Peru, focused on the evaluation about how values and empathy are influencing social responsible behavior. The methodology applied has been the use of a virtual platform where questionnaires were hosted and responded by 861 students. Data has been analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlations. This study supposes an approach to an evaluation model of social responsibility in education. Results and future research proposals are discussed. en_US
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.publisher 12th European Congress of Psychology es_ES
dc.subject college es_ES
dc.subject iberoamerican study es_ES
dc.subject empathy es_ES
dc.subject human social responsibility es_ES
dc.title Psychological research about Social Responsibility factors: An Iberoamerican Study in colleges es_ES
dc.type conference output es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::PEDAGOGÍA es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::PSICOLOGÍA es_ES

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