Investigating the New South Africa: An Interview with Deon Meyer on Dead Before Dying

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Investigating the New South Africa: An Interview with Deon Meyer on Dead Before Dying

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Reyes Torres, Agustín
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

In Dead Before Dying the first of Deon Meyer's novels to be translated from Afrikaans to English, the author uses the voices of his main characters to paint a picture of 'New' South Africa. In this interview, which took place in Cape Town in October 2009, Meyer discusses the impulse that led him to write crime stories and his own involvement in the transformation of his novels from Afrikaans to English. He speaks of his research on the activities and more importantly the emotions and reactions of policemen, of his difficult relations with his father and the different positions assumed by his generation in comparison with those of their parents.
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