Giant cell granuloma of the maxilla: global management, review of literature and case report

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Giant cell granuloma of the maxilla: global management, review of literature and case report

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Rubio Correa, Isidoro; Manzano Soto de Zaldívar, Damián; González García, R.; Ruiz Laza, Luis; Villanueva Alcojol, Laura; González Ballester, David; Hernández Vila, Cristina; Monje Gil, Florencio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Giant cell granuloma is a relatively rare benign entity but can be locally aggressive. Histologically characterized by intense proliferation of multinucleated giant cells and fibroblasts. Affects bone supported tissues. Definitive diagnosis is given by biopsy. Clinically manifest as a mass or nodule of reddish color and fleshy, occasionally ulcerated surface. They can range from asymptomatic to destructive lesions that grow quickly. It is a lesion to be considered in the differential diagnosis of osteolytic lesions affecting the maxilla or jaw. Its management passed from conservative treatment with intralesional infiltration of corticosteroids, calcitonin or interferon, to the surgical resection and reconstruction, for example with microvascular free flaps. Keywords: giant cell granuloma, intralesional injection, microvascular free flap, fibula.
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