Complications following an accidental sodium hypochlorite extrusion: A report of two cases

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Complications following an accidental sodium hypochlorite extrusion: A report of two cases

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Bosch Aranda, María Luisa; Canalda Sahli, Carlos; Figueiredo, Rui; Gay Escoda, Cosme
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is the most commonly used solution in root canal treatments, as it is a low-cost method that displays a very effective antimicrobial activity against microbiota of infected root canals. However, this solution can cause complications especially due to its cytotoxic features. When this solution is injected into the adjacent tissues, the patient usually experiences intense pain, and an urgent treatment should be implemented in order to prevent a long-term sequelae. This paper describes the clinical features of two patients that experienced an accidental extrusion of NaOCl after endodontic treatment of varying severity and with different treatments. Furthermore, it shows the long-term neurologic injuries that this type of accidents may cause and a treatment protocol for these situations will be suggested.
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