Bone implant sockets made using three different procedures: a stability study in dogs
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Cano Sánchez, Jorge; Campo, Julián
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012
Objective: This study compared the effects of three different methods of preparing bone implant sockets (drilling,
osteotomes, and piezoelectric device) on osseointegration using resonance frequency analysis (RFA).
Study Design: An experimental prospective study was designed.
Material and methods: Ten adult beagle dogs were studied. After 5 weeks, 23 out of 28 initially placed implants
in the iliac crest were evaluated, comparing these three different procedures of bone implant socket. Student's ttest
(paired, two-tailed) was used to reveal differences among the three groups at each time point (SPSS 16.0, IL,
Results: After a 5-week healing period, the implants placed in sockets that were made using an osteotome or piezoelectric
device were slightly more stable than those made by drilling. Reduced mechanical and heat injury to the
bone is beneficial for maintaining and improving stability during the critical early healing period.
Conclusion: Using RFA, there was evidence of a slight increase in implant stability in the iliac crest after 5 weeks
of healing when the implant socket was made using a piezoelectric device or expansion procedure as compare with
the drilling method.
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