With an increasing number of adult patients coming to the orthodontic clinic, the orthodontic professional is constantly
looking for ways to accelerate tooth movement. Surgical intervention to affect the alveolar housing and tooth
movement has been described in various forms for over a hundred years. However, it is the spirit of interdisciplinary
collaboration in orthodontics has expanded the realm of traditional orthodontic tooth movement protocols.
Periodontal accelerated osteogenic orthodontics (PAOO) is a clinical procedure that combines selective alveolar
corticotomy, particulate bone grafting, and the application of orthodontic forces. This procedure is theoretically
based on the bone healing pattern known as the regional acceleratory phenomenon (RAP). PAOO results in an
increase in alveolar bone width, shorter treatment time, increased post treatment stability, and decreased amount
of apical root resorption. Tooth movement can be enhanced and cases completed with increased alveolar volume
providing for a more intact periodontium, decreased need for extractions, degree of facial remodeling and increased
bone support for teeth and overlying soft tissues, thereby augmenting gingival and facial esthetics.The purpose of
this article is to describe the history, biology, clinical surgical procedures, indications, contraindications and possible
complications of the PAOO procedure.