The largest bilateral gemination of permanent maxillary central incisors: report of a case

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The largest bilateral gemination of permanent maxillary central incisors: report of a case

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Shokri, Abbas; Baharvand, Maryam; Mortazavi, Hamed
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

Gemination is defined as an attempt to make two teeth from one enamel organ. Bilateral presentation of this phenomenon is very rare, with prevalence of 0.01% to 0.04% in the primary, and 0.05% in the permanent dentition. This paper describes a rare case of huge bilateral gemination of permanent maxillary central incisors in a nine-yearold Iranian boy with poor aesthetic. The patient did not have history of anomaly in his primary dentition and in his family either. This type of dental anomaly can cause clinical problems in the form of malocclusion, poor aesthetic, and impaction of adjacent teeth, caries, and periodontal destruction.
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