Proposal of a "Checklist" for endodontic treatment

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Proposal of a "Checklist" for endodontic treatment

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Díaz-Flores García, Victor; Perea Pérez, Bernardo; Labajo González, Elena; Santiago Sáez, Andrés; Cisneros Cabello, Rafael
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

Objectives: On the basis of the 'Surgical Checklist' proposed by the WHO, we propose a new Checklist model adapted to the procedures of endodontic treatment. Study Design: The proposed document contains 21 items which are broken down into two groups: those which must be verified before beginning the treatment, and those which must be verified after completing it, but before the patient leaves the dentist's office. Results: The Checklist is an easy-to-use tool that requires little time but provides, order, logic and systematization by taking into account certain basic concepts to increase patient safety. Discussion: We believe that the result is a Checklist that is easy to complete and which ensure the fulfillment of the key points on patient safety in the field of endodontics.
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