The DN, pi Sigma(c) interaction in finite volume and the Lambda(c)(2595) resonance

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The DN, pi Sigma(c) interaction in finite volume and the Lambda(c)(2595) resonance

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Xie, J. J.; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1140/epja/i2012-12146-x

In this work the interaction of the coupled channels DN and pi Sigma(c) in an SU(4) extrapolation of the chiral unitary theory, where the Lambda(c)(2595) resonance appears as dynamically generated from that interaction, is extended to produce results in finite volume. Energy levels in the finite box are evaluated and, assuming that they would correspond to lattice results, the inverse problem of determining the phase shifts in the infinite volume from the lattice results is solved. We observe that it is possible to obtain accurate pi Sigma(c) phase shifts and the position of the Lambda(c)(2595) resonance, but it requires the explicit consideration of the two coupled channels. We also observe that some of the energy levels in the box are attached to the closed DN channel, such that their use to induce the pi Sigma(c) phase shifts via Luscher's formula leads to incorrect results.
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