Patient-specific factors in the proximity of the inferior alveolar nerve to the tooth apex
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Adigüzel, Özkan; Yigit Özer, Senem; Akkus, Zeki
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012
Objectives: To evaluate whether age and gender differences are predictive factors for inferior alveolar nerve position with respect to mandibular first molar roots.
Study Design: Cone-beam computed tomography scans [0.2-mm
voxel size; n = 200 (100 males, 100 females)] of
patients aged 15-65 years showing mandibular first and second molars were included in this study. Patients with
pathoses that might affect inferior alveolar nerve position, including second molar and/or first premolar extraction,
were excluded. Fourteen measurements (mm) were taken from the inferior alveolar nerve to the mesial and distal
root apices. Subjects were grouped by age and gender. Data were analysed using two-way analyses of variance
with post hoc Bonferroni corrections.
Results: The distance from the inferior alveolar nerve to the root apices was smaller in females than males, regardless of age (p < 0.01). Distal roots were closer to the nerve than mesial roots in both genders (p < 0.05). Total
buccolingual mandibular length (at 3-mm apical level) was shorter in females than males (p < 0.01) but mean
buccolingual mandibular width at the level of the inferior alveolar canal did not differ. Nerve¿root apex distances
were significantly shorter in males and females aged 16-25 and 56-65 years than in other age groups (p < 0.01).
Conclusions: The distance between inferior alveolar nerve and mandibular first molar roots depends upon the age
and gender: it is shorter in females than in males and in subjects aged 16-25 years and >55 years than in other age
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