The comparison of outcomes of surgically treated bilateral temporomandibular joint disorder in different groups: a retrospective study
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Ozkan, Birkan Taha; Pernu, Hannu; Oikarinen, Kyosti; Raustia, Aune
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012
Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to determine the prognosis and outcomes of the patients with bilateral
temporomandibular disorder which underwent bilateral temporomandibular joint surgery in a consecutive
number of patients in a retrospective study.
Study Design : Sixty five patients with 130 bilateral TMJ were included the study with the selection from con -
secutive 256 TMJ patients who were treated with open surgery who do not respond to conservative treatment.
65 patients were divided in to 3 main groups according to the clinical diagnosis of bilateral TMJ site. In the first
group comprised 29 patients with 48 TMJ, the clinical diagnosis was bilaterally presence of anterior disc displace -
ment with reduction (ADD R). In the second group comprised 19 patients with 26 TMJ, bilateral presence of TMD
consisted of anterior disc displacement without reduction (ADDNR) on both site. In the third group comprised
27 patients with 46 TMJ, bilaterally presence of TMD consist of ADD R on one site and ADD NR on another site.
The patients in three different groups were operated either high condylectomy alone or high condylectomy with
additional surgical procedures.
Results: In the evaluation of pain relief, clicking, crepitation, headache, marked improvement was determined in
all groups, but it was statistically insigni ficant in the comparison of 3 groups. Slight increase in maximal mouth
opening was determined in the mean values of the 3 groups and also in the comparison of 3 groups it was not
statistically signi ficant.
Conclusions : These similar succesfull outcomes of bilateral TMD with the respect of TMJ surgical procedures
were obtained in 3 main groups although different diagnosis on the patients' groups was present.
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