Oral health-related quality of life in complete denture wearers depending on their socio-demographic background, prosthetic-related factors and clinical condition

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Oral health-related quality of life in complete denture wearers depending on their socio-demographic background, prosthetic-related factors and clinical condition

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Perea, Carmen es Suárez García, María Jesús es Rio Highsmith, Jaime del es Torres Lagares, Daniel es Montero, Javier es Castillo de Oyagüe, Raquel es 2014-05-29T07:05:48Z 2014-05-29T07:05:48Z 2013 es
dc.identifier.citation Perea, Carmen ; Suárez García, María Jesús ; Rio Highsmith, Jaime del ; Torres Lagares, Daniel ; Montero, Javier ; Castillo de Oyagüe, Raquel. Oral health-related quality of life in complete denture wearers depending on their socio-demographic background, prosthetic-related factors and clinical condition. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed inglesa, 2013, Vol. 18, No. 3: 371-380 es
dc.description.abstract Objectives: To investigate the differences in impact on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) among complete denture wearers depending on their socio-demographic characteristics, prosthetic-related factors and oral status. Study Design: 51 patients aged 50-90 years treated, from 2005 to 2010, with at least one complete denture at the Department of Buccofacial Prostheses of the Complutense University (Madrid) were enrolled in this cross- sectional study. All of the participants answered the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14sp) questionnaire. The additive scoring method was used. The prevalence of impacts was calculated by using the occasional threshold (OHIP-14sp score > o =2). Socio-demographic and prosthetic-related variables were gathered. Patients underwent clinical examination to assess their oral condition. Descriptive probes and Chi-Square tests were run (p < o =0.05). Results: The predominant participants' profile was that of a man with a mean age of 69 years wearing complete dentures in both the maxilla and the mandible. The prevalence of impact was 23.5%, showing an aver - age score of 19±9.8. The most affected domains were "functional limitation" and "physical pain", followed by "physical disability". Minor impacts were recorded for the psychological and social subscales ("psychological discomfort", "psychological disability", "social disability" and "handicap"). The prosthesis' location significantly influenced the overall patient satisfaction, the lower dentures being the less comfortable. Having a complete re - movable denture as antagonist significantly hampered the patient satisfaction. Patients without prosthetic stomatitis and those who need repairing or changing their prostheses, recorded significantly higher OHIP-14sp total scores. Conclusions: The use of conventional complete dentures brings negative impacts in the OHRQoL of elderly patients, mainly in case of lower prostheses that required reparation or substitution, with a removable total denture as antago - nist. The prosthetic stomatitis in this study was always associated to other severe illness, which may have influenced the self-perceived discomfort with the prostheses, as those patients were daily medicated with painkillers. en_US
dc.subject Odontología es
dc.subject Ciencias de la salud es
dc.title Oral health-related quality of life in complete denture wearers depending on their socio-demographic background, prosthetic-related factors and clinical condition es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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