Management of fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial area: presentation of 19 cases and review of the literature

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Management of fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial area: presentation of 19 cases and review of the literature

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Suárez Soto, Aldo es Baquero Ruiz de la Hermosa, María del Carmen es Mínguez Martínez, Ignacio es Floría García, Luis Miguel es Barea, José es Delhom, J. es Risueño Mata, Presentación es 2014-05-29T07:05:52Z 2014-05-29T07:05:52Z 2013 es
dc.identifier.citation Suárez Soto, Aldo ; Baquero Ruiz de la Hermosa, María del Carmen ; Mínguez Martínez, Ignacio ; Floría García, Luis Miguel ; Barea, José ; Delhom, J. ; Risueño Mata, Presentación. Management of fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial area: presentation of 19 cases and review of the literature. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed inglesa, 2013, Vol. 18, No. 3: 479-485 es
dc.description.abstract Introduction: Fibro-osseous lesions constitute a rare benign type of pathology with a non-odontogenic lineage that affect the craniofacial area. According to Waldrom's classification, these lesions are divided into: fibrous dysplasia (FD), cemento-ossifying fibroma (COF) and desmoplastic fibroma (DF). Material and Methods: A retrospective study was performed on patients diagnosed with fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial area at the Hospital Universitario La Fe, Valencia, during 1987-2009. A total of 19 cases were collected: 15 cases compatible with an FD diagnosis, 3 cases with a COF diagnosis and 1 case with a DF diagnosis. Results: In the differential diagnosis, entities having similar clinical manifestations in the maxillofacial area with possible involvement of teeth or manifestations present as an asymptomatic radiolucent image should be ruled out. We hereby present the management and development of patients treated in our hospital for fibro-osseous lesions. Conclusions: Fibro-osseous lesions share many clinical and radiological characteristics in common, with histological features confirming the nature of the lesion. Management of patients should be individualized and casespecific, assessing the clinical evolution of each case and taking into account the benign nature and growth behavior of this type of tumors. en_US
dc.subject Odontología es
dc.subject Ciencias de la salud es
dc.title Management of fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial area: presentation of 19 cases and review of the literature es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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