El linfoma angiocéntrico centrofacial es una neoplasia linfoide
rara, con un diagnóstico a menudo difícil, debido al cuadro clínico
inespecífico y a que muchas veces son necesarias varias
biopsias para llegar a un diagnóstico correcto.
Se trata de un linfoma no Hodgkin(LNH) agresivo, de localización
preferente en el tracto respiratorio superior (sobre todo
en cavidad nasal), y con un pronóstico ominoso, ya que la
supervivencia media es de 12-18 meses aproximadamente(1).
Predomina en orientales y sudamericanos, entre los 50-60 años
de edad, y con ligera preferencia por el sexo masculino (2:1).
Se presenta el caso de una paciente ecuatoriana que acude a
nuestro servicio con edema hemifacial, rinorrea achocolatada y
obstrucción respiratoria nasal de 1 mes de evolución, sin respuesta
al tratamiento antibiótico y antiinflamatorio, que tras realizar
varias pruebas diagnósticas se evidenció histológicamente la
presencia de un linfoma T extranodal de tipo nasal (también
llamado linfoma de células T angiocéntrico).The centrofacial angiocentric lymphoma is a rare lymphoid neoplasm,
with an often-difficult diagnosis due to the non-specific
clinical picture. On many occasions it is necessary to perform
various biopsies to reach the correct diagnosis.
This lymphoma is an aggressive Non-Hodgkin's (NHL) type,
which is normally found in the upper respiratory tract (predominantly
in the nasal cavity), and has an ominous prognosis, as
the average survival rate is between 12 and 18 months (1). It is
predominantly found in subjects of oriental and South American
extraction, who are between the ages of 50 and 60 years and
with a slight tendency towards males (2:1).
This is the case study of a female Ecuadorian patient who was
referred to our department with a hemifacial edema, chocolate-
like rhinorrhea and nasal respiratory obstruction, which had
been treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatories for a month
without success. After performing a number of diagnostic tests,
it was found histologically that the patient had an extranodal
T-cell lymphoma of the nasal type (also known as T-cell angiocentric