A study of the material in the ATLAS inner detector using secondary hadronic interactions

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A study of the material in the ATLAS inner detector using secondary hadronic interactions

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ATLAS Collaboration; Mitsou, Vasiliki; Fiorini, Luca; Ros Martínez, Eduardo; Castillo Giménez, María Victoria; Fuster Verdú, Juan A.; García García, Carmen; Cabrera Urbán, Susana; Martí García, Salvador; Salt Cairols, José; Lacasta Llácer, Carlos; Valls Ferrer, Juan Antonio; Higón Rodríguez, Emilio; Ferrer Soria, Antonio; González de la Hoz, Santiago; Kaci, Mohammed; Hernández Jiménez, Yesenia; Villaplana Pérez, Miguel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Este documento está disponible también en : 10.1088/1748-0221/7/01/P01013

The ATLAS inner detector is used to reconstruct secondary vertices due to hadronic interactions of primary collision products, so probing the location and amount of material in the inner region of ATLAS. Data collected in 7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC, with a minimum bias trigger, are used for comparisons with simulated events. The reconstructed secondary vertices have spatial resolutions ranging from similar to 200 μm to 1 mm. The overall material description in the simulation is validated to within an experimental uncertainty of about 7%. This will lead to a better understanding of the reconstruction of various objects such as tracks, leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum.
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