Clinical diseases with thrombotic risk and their pharmacologycal treatment: how they change the therapeutic attitude in dental treatments

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Clinical diseases with thrombotic risk and their pharmacologycal treatment: how they change the therapeutic attitude in dental treatments

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Martínez López, Federico; Oñate Sánchez, Ricardo Elías; Arrieta Blanco, Juan José; Oñate Cabrerizo, Daniel; Cabrerizo Merino, María del Carmen
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013


The new antiplatelets and anticoagulant drugs have been recently introduced in the daily medical practices for the control of thromboembolism associated with different diseases. The dental assistance of these patients forces us to know these drugs, understand their action mechanisms and try to decrease the risks that entail ours actions in these patients, making a thorough analysis of the risk of bleeding that is going to be related to our medical intervention, as well as the use of all the control measures of the hemorrhage from our knowledge with these patients, and to be prudent. The communication with the medical specialist that supervises these patients must be maxim, being necessary to make clinic trials for establishing protocols or guides of the handling with these patients during the odontological treatment.
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