Influence of the usual motivation for dental attendance on dental status and oral health-related quality of life
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Montero, Javier; Albaladejo Martínez, Alberto; Zalba, José Ignacio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014
Objectives: To evaluate the influence of dental visiting patterns on the dental status and Oral Health-related Qua-
lity of Life (OHQoL) of patients visiting the University Clinic of Salamanca (Spain).
Study Design: This cross-sectional study consisted of a clinical oral examination and a questionnaire-based inter
view in a consecutive sample of patients seeking a dental examination. Patients were classified as problem-based
dental attendees (PB) and regular dental attendees (RB). Clinical and OHQoL (OHIP-14 & OIDP) data were
compared between groups. Pair-wise comparisons were performed and a Logistic Regression Model was fitted for
predicting the Odds Ratio (OR) of being a PB patient.
Results: The sample was composed of 255 patients aged 18 to 87 years (mean age: 63.1 ± 12.7; women: 51.8%). The
PB patients had a poorer dental status (i.e. caries, periodontal and prosthetic needs), brushed their teeth less,and
were significantly more impaired in their OHQoL according to both instruments. The logistic regression coef
ficients demonstrated that on average the OR of being a PB patient was high in this dental patient sample, but this
OR increased significantly if the patient was a male (OR= 1.1-5.0) or referred pain-related impacts according to
the OHIP and, additionally, the OR decreased significantly as a function of the number of healthy fillings and the
number of sextants coded as CPI=0.
Conclusions: Regular dental check-ups are associated with better dental status and a better OHQoL after control
ling for potentially related confounding factors.
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