Instabilities of infinite matter with effective Skyrme-type interactions

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Instabilities of infinite matter with effective Skyrme-type interactions

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Margueron, Jérôme; Navarro Faus, Jesús; Van Giai, Nguyen
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2002

The stability of the equation of state predicted by Skyrme-type interactions is examined. We consider simultaneously symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter. The stability is defined by the inequalities that the Landau parameters must satisfy simultaneously. A systematic study is carried out to define interaction parameter domains where the inequalities are fulfilled. It is found that there is always a critical density ρcr beyond which the system becomes unstable. The results indicate in which parameter regions one can find effective forces to describe correctly finite nuclei and give at the same time a stable equation of state up to densities of 3-4 times the saturation density of symmetric nuclear matter.
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