Neutrino mean free path and in-medium nuclear interaction

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Neutrino mean free path and in-medium nuclear interaction

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Margueron, Jérôme; Navarro Faus, Jesús; Van Giai, Nguyen
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003

Neutrinos produced during the collapse of a massive star are trapped in a nuclear medium (the proto-neutron star). Typically, neutrino energies (10-100 MeV) are of the order of nuclear giant resonances energies. Hence, neutrino propagation is modified by the possibility of coherent scattering on nucleons. We have compared the predictions of different nuclear interaction models. It turns out that their main discrepancies are related to the density dependence of the k-effective mass as well as to the onset of instabilities as density increases. This last point had led us to a systematic study of instabilities of infinite matter with effective Skyrme-type interactions. We have shown that for such interactions there is always a critical density, above which the system becomes unstable.
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