Nuclear response functions in homogeneous matter with finite range effective interactions

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Nuclear response functions in homogeneous matter with finite range effective interactions

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Margueron, Jérôme; Van Giai, Nguyen; Navarro Faus, Jesús
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

The question of nuclear response functions in a homogeneous medium is examined. A general method for calculating response functions in the random phase approximation (RPA) with exchange is presented. The method is applicable for finite-range nuclear interactions. Examples are shown in the case of symmetric nuclear matter described by a Gogny interaction. It is found that the convergence of the results with respect to the multipole truncation is quite fast. Various approximation schemes such as the Landau approximation, or the Landau approximation for the exchange terms only, are discussed in comparison with the exact results.
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