Relic Neutrino Decoupling Including Flavour Oscillations

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Relic Neutrino Decoupling Including Flavour Oscillations

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Mangano, Gianpiero; Miele, Gennaro; Pastor Carpi, Sergio; Pinto, Teguayco; Pisanti, Ofelia; Serpico, Pasquale D.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

In the early universe, neutrinos are slightly coupled when electron-positron pairs annihilate transferring their entropy to photons. This process originates non-thermal distortions on the neutrino spectra which depend on neutrino flavour, larger for nu_e than for nu_mu or nu_tau. We study the effect of three-neutrino flavour oscillations on the process of neutrino decoupling by solving the momentum-dependent kinetic equations for the neutrino spectra. We find that oscillations do not essentially modify the total change in the neutrino energy density, giving Neff=3.046 in terms of the effective number of neutrinos, while the small effect over the production of primordial 4He is increased by O(20%), up to 2.1 x 10^{-4}. These results are stable within the presently favoured region of neutrino mixing parameters.
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