A4-based tri-bimaximal mixing within inverse and linear seesaw schemes

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A4-based tri-bimaximal mixing within inverse and linear seesaw schemes

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Hirsch, Martin; Morisi, S.; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

We consider tri-bimaximal lepton mixing within low-scale seesaw schemes where light neutrino masses arise from TeV scale physics, potentially accessible at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Two examples are considered, based on the A(4) flavor symmetry realized within the inverse or the linear seesaw mechanisms. Both are highly predictive so that in both the light neutrino sector effectively depends only on three mass parameters and one Majorana phase, with no CP violation in neutrino oscillations. We find that the linear seesaw leads to a lower bound for neutrinoless double beta decay while the inverse seesaw does not. The models also lead to potentially sizeable decay rates for lepton flavor violating processes, tightly related by the assumed flavor symmetry.
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