Majoron emission in muon and tau decays revisited

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Majoron emission in muon and tau decays revisited

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Hirsch, Martin; Vicente Montesinos, Avelino; Meyer, Jochen; Porod, Werner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

In models where the breaking of lepton number is spontaneous a massless Goldstone boson, the Majoron (J), appears. We calculate the theoretically allowed range for the branching ratios of Majoron-emitting charged lepton decays, such as Br(mu -> eJ) and Br(mu -> eJ gamma), in a supersymmetric model with spontaneous breaking of R-parity. Br(mu -> eJ) is maximal in the same region of parameter space for which the lightest neutralino decays mainly invisibly. A measurement of Br(mu -> eJ) thus potentially provides information on R-parity violation complementary to accelerator searches. We also briefly discuss existing bounds and prospects for future improvements on the Majoron coupling to charged leptons.
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