Hefty MSSM-like light Higgs in extended gauge models

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Hefty MSSM-like light Higgs in extended gauge models

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Hirsch, Martin; Malinsky, Michal; Porod, Werner; Reichert, Laslo Alexander; Staub, Florian
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

It is well known that in the MSSM the lightest neutral Higgs h^0 must be, at the tree level, lighter than the Z boson and that the loop corrections shift this stringent upper bound up to about 130 GeV. Extending the MSSM gauge group in a suitable way, the new Higgs sector dynamics can push the tree-level mass of h^0 well above the tree-level MSSM limit if it couples to the new gauge sector. This effect is further pronounced at the loop level and h^0 masses in the 140 GeV ballpark can be reached easily. We exemplify this for a sample setting with a low-scale U(1)_R x U(1)_B-L gauge symmetry in which neutrino masses can be implemented via the inverse seesaw mechanism.
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