On the SUSY accompanied neutrino exchange mechanism of neutrinoless double beta decay

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On the SUSY accompanied neutrino exchange mechanism of neutrinoless double beta decay

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Hirsch, Martin; Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, H.V.; Kovalenko, S.G.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1996

The neutrinoless double beta decay (O nu beta beta) induced by light Majorana neutrino exchange between decaying nucleons, accompanied by the squark exchange inside one nucleon, recently discussed by Babu and Mohapatra, is carefully analyzed both from the particle and nuclear physics sides. New nuclear matrix elements relevant to this mechanism are calculated. We extend the analysis to include mixing of light neutrinos with heavy and ''sterile'' neutrinos. It introduces another supersymmetric (SUSY) contribution to O nu beta beta We discuss constraints on the R(p)MSSM parameters imposed by the current experimental limit on O nu beta beta decay half-life of Ge-76.
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