Reconstructing neutrino properties from collider experiments in a Higgs triplet neutrino mass model

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Reconstructing neutrino properties from collider experiments in a Higgs triplet neutrino mass model

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Aristizábal Sierra, Diego; Hirsch, Martin; Furtado Valle, José Wagner; Villanova del Moral, A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003

We extend the minimal supersymmetric standard model with bilinear R-parity violation to include a pair of Higgs triplet superfields. The neutral components of the Higgs triplets develop small vacuum expectation values (VEVs) quadratic in the bilinear R-parity breaking parameters. In this scheme the atmospheric neutrino mass scale arises from bilinear R-parity breaking while for reasonable values of parameters the solar neutrino mass scale is generated from the small Higgs triplet VEVs. We calculate neutrino masses and mixing angles in this model and show how the model can be tested at future colliders. The branching ratios of the doubly charged triplet decays are related to the solar neutrino angle via a simple formula.
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