Bounds on the tau and muon neutrino vector and axial vector charge radius

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Bounds on the tau and muon neutrino vector and axial vector charge radius

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Hirsch, Martin; Nardi, Enrico; Restrepo, Diego
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003

A Majorana neutrino is characterized by just one flavor diagonal electromagnetic form factor, the anapole moment, which in the static limit corresponds to the axial vector charge radius <r(A)(2)>. Experimental information on this quantity is scarce, especially in the case of the tau neutrino. We present a comprehensive analysis of the available data on the single photon production process e(+)e(-)-->nu(nu) over bar gamma off Z resonance, and we discuss the constraints that these measurements can set on <r(A)(2)> for the tau neutrino. We also derive limits for the Dirac case, when the presence of a vector charge radius <r(V)(2)> is allowed. Finally, we comment on additional experimental data on nu(mu) scattering from the NuTeV, E734, CCFR, and CHARM-II Collaborations, and estimate the limits implied for <r(A)(2)> and <r(V)(2)> for the muon neutrino.
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