Predicting Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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Predicting Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

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Furtado Valle, José Wagner; Hirsch, Martin; Ma, Ernest; Villanova del Moral, A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

We give predictions for the neutrinoless double beta decay rate in a simple variant of the A(4) family symmetry model. We show that there is a lower bound for the beta beta(0 nu) amplitude even in the case of normal hierarchical neutrino masses, corresponding to an effective mass parameter parallel to m(ee)parallel to >= 0.17 root Delta m(ATM)(2). This result holds both for the CP conserving and CP violating cases. In the latter case we show explicitly that the lower bound on parallel to m(ee)parallel to is sensitive to the value of the Majorana phase. We conclude therefore that in our scheme, beta beta(0 nu) may be accessible to the next generation of high sensitivity experiments.
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