Minimal supergravity radiative effects on the tribimaximal neutrino mixing pattern

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Minimal supergravity radiative effects on the tribimaximal neutrino mixing pattern

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Hirsch, Martin; Ma, Ernest; Romao, J. C.; Furtado Valle, José Wagner; Villanova del Moral, A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

We study the stability of the Harrison-Perkins-Scott (HPS) mixing pattern, assumed to hold at some high energy scale, against supersymmetric radiative corrections. We work in the framework of a reference minimal supergravity model (mSUGRA) where supersymmetry breaking is universal and flavor-blind at unification. The radiative corrections considered include both RGE running as well as threshold effects. We find that in this case the solar mixing angle can only increase with respect to the HPS reference value, while the atmospheric and reactor mixing angles remain essentially stable. Deviations from the solar angle HPS prediction towards lower values would signal novel contributions from physics beyond the simplest mSUGRA model.
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