Ultrahigh energy neutrinos in the Mediterranean: Detecting ντ and νμ with a km3 telescope

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Ultrahigh energy neutrinos in the Mediterranean: Detecting ντ and νμ with a km3 telescope

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Pastor Carpi, Sergio; Cuoco, Alessandro; Mangano, Gianpiero; Miele, Gennaro; Perrone, Luigi; Pisanti, Ofelia; Serpico, Pasquale D.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

We perform a study of the ultra high energy neutrino detection performances of a km3 Neutrino Telescope sitting at the three proposed sites for ANTARES, NEMO and NESTOR in the Mediterranean sea. We focus on the effect of the underwater surface profile on the total amount of yearly expected tau and mu crossing the fiducial volume in the limit of full detection efficiency and energy resolution. We also emphasize the possible enhancement of matter effect by a suitable choice of the geometry of the Telescope.
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