¿Coinciden las expectativas escolares de la familia y del profesorado acerca del alumnado de origen inmigrante?

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¿Coinciden las expectativas escolares de la familia y del profesorado acerca del alumnado de origen inmigrante?

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Intxausti, Nahia ca Etxeberria, Feli ca Joaristi, Luis ca 2014-09-05T12:18:22Z 2014-09-05T12:18:22Z 2014 es
dc.identifier.citation Intxausti, Nahia ; Etxeberria, Feli ; Joaristi, Luis. ¿Coinciden las expectativas escolares de la familia y del profesorado acerca del alumnado de origen inmigrante?. En: RELIEVE - E-Journal of Educational Research, Assessment and Evaluation; Vol 20, No 1 (2014). ca
dc.description.abstract This research aims to describe future expectations of immigrant families and classroom teachers about students of Primary Education in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. First generation transnational immigrant settlement in the last decade highlights the need to pay attention to the processes of incorporation of their children.  Expectations with respect to academic and professional achievements, language learning and development of social relationships of 302 immigrant families and their form tutor are studied. Results indicate a direct relationship between the expectations of families and teachers in academic achievement when it comes to college expectations and Secondary Education. It highlights, simultaneously, a direct positive relationship between teachers’ and families’ expectations towards Basque and English achievement, being highest the families’ ones towards Basque achievement, and very similar in the case of English achievement. The families’ and teachers’ expectations regarding professional achievement, Spanish language learning, the maintenance of the language of origin as well as the development of social relations are not directly related. es
dc.rights RELIEVE has the rights upon the articles published in it. However, as its purpose is knowledge dissemination, article reproduction and distribution (in any kind of medium) is allowed provided that the following conditions are complied with:Its content must not be altered.Its origin must be cited (journal RELIEVE, volume, number and electronic site of the article or DOI.)The fact of sending your paper to RELIEVE implies that you accept these conditions. es
dc.subject Pedagogy; education; sociology es
dc.subject Expectatives; family; teacher; school-family relation; immigrant families; inclusive school. es
dc.subject Expectativas; familia; profesorado; relación familia-escuela; familias inmigrantes; escuela inclusiva es
dc.title ¿Coinciden las expectativas escolares de la familia y del profesorado acerca del alumnado de origen inmigrante? es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES
dc.identifier.url es

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