Future weak lensing constraints in a dark coupled universe

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Future weak lensing constraints in a dark coupled universe

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De Bernardis, F.; Martinelli, Matteo; Melchiorri, Alessandro; Mena Requejo, Olga; Cooray, Asantha
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

Probing the dark matter clustering and its evolution with weak lensing surveys constitutes a unique tool to constrain interacting dark energy models. We focus here on weak lensing forecasts from future Euclid and LSST-like surveys combined with the expected results from the ongoing Planck cosmic microwave background satellite experiment. We find that these future data could constrain the dimensionless coupling between dark matter and dark energy to be smaller than a few x 10(-2), improving the CMB-only constraint by at least 2 orders of magnitude. We also show that coupled cosmologies can substantially alter the constraints on cosmological parameters obtained from CMB experiments under the assumption of noninteracting cosmologies unless weak lensing data is considered.
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