Robust neutrino constraints by combining low redshift observations with the CMB

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Robust neutrino constraints by combining low redshift observations with the CMB

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Reid, Beth A. Verde, Licia Jiménez, Raúl Mena Requejo, Olga 2014-09-11T08:11:35Z 2014-09-11T08:11:35Z 2010
dc.identifier.citation Reid, Beth A. Verde, Licia Jiménez, Raúl Mena Requejo, Olga 2010 Robust neutrino constraints by combining low redshift observations with the CMB Journal Of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics 10 1 003
dc.description.abstract We illustrate how recently improved low-redshift cosmological measurements can tighten constraints on neutrino properties. In particular we examine the impact of the assumed cosmological model on the constraints. We first consider the new HST H-0 = 74.2 +/- 3.6 measurement by Riess et al. (2009) and the sigma(8)(Omega(m)/0.25)(0.41) = 0.832 +/- 0.033 constraint from Rozo et al. (2009) derived from the SDSS maxBCG Cluster Catalog. In a ACDM model and when combined with WMAP5 constraints, these low-redshift measurements constrain Sigma m(v) < 0.4 eV at the 95% confidence level. This bound does not relax when allowing for the running of the spectral index or for primordial tensor perturbations. When adding also Supernovae and BAO constraints, we obtain a 95% upper limit of Sigma m(v) < 0.3eV. We test the sensitivity of the neutrino mass constraint to the assumed expansion history by both allowing a dark energy equation of state parameter w not equal -1 and by studying a model with coupling between dark energy and dark matter, which allows for variation in w, Omega(k), and dark coupling strength xi. When combining CMB, H-0 and the SDSS LRG halo power spectrum from Reid et al. 2009, we find that in this very general model, Sigma m(v) < 0.51 eV with 95% confidence. If we allow the number of relativistic species N-rel to vary in a ACDM model with Sigma m(v) = 0, we find N-rel = 3.76(-0.68)(+0.63)(+1.38 -1.21) for the 68% and 95% confidence intervals. We also report prior-independent constraints, which are in excellent agreement with the Bayesian constraints.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Journal Of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics, 2010, vol. 10, num. 1, p. 003
dc.subject Astrofísica
dc.title Robust neutrino constraints by combining low redshift observations with the CMB
dc.type journal article es_ES 2014-09-11T08:11:35Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1088/1475-7516/2010/01/003
dc.identifier.idgrec 097557
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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