Neutrino factory for both large and small theta(13)

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Neutrino factory for both large and small theta(13)

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Bross, Alan; Ellis, Malcom; Geer, Steve; Mena Requejo, Olga; Pascoli, Silvia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

An analysis of the neutrino oscillation physics capability of a low-energy neutrino factory is presented, including a first simulation of the detector efficiency and event energy threshold. The sensitivity of the physics reach to the presence of backgrounds is also studied. We consider a representative baseline of 1480 km, we use muons with 4.12 GeV energy and we exploit a very conservative estimate of the energy resolution of the detector. Our analysis suggests an impressive physics reach for this setup, which can eliminate degenerate solutions, for both large and small values of the mixing angle theta(13), and can determine leptonic CP violation and the neutrino mass hierarchy with extraordinary sensitivity.
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