Golden measurements at a neutrino factory

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Golden measurements at a neutrino factory

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Cervera Villanueva, Anselmo; Donini, Andrea; Gavela, María Belén; Gómez Cadenas, Juan José; Hernández Gamazo, Pilar; Mena Requejo, Olga; Rigolin, Stefano
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2000

The precision and discovery potential of a neutrino factory based on muon storage rings is studied. For three-family neutrino oscillations, we analyse how to measure or severely constraint the angle theta(13), CP-violation, MSW effects and the sign of the atmospheric mass difference Delta m(23)(2) We present a simple analytical formula for the oscillation probabilities in matter, with all neutrino mass differences non-vanishing, which clarifies the subtleties involved in disentangling the unknown parameters. The appearance of 'wrong-sign muons' at three reference baselines is considered: 732 km, 3500 km, and 7332 km. We exploit the dependence of the signal on the neutrino energy, and include as well realistic background estimations and detection efficiencies. The optimal baseline turns out to be O(3000 km). Analyses combining the information from different baselines are also presented.
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