The craniofacial necrotizing fasciitis after a minor trauma in an elderly white woman

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The craniofacial necrotizing fasciitis after a minor trauma in an elderly white woman

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Modlinska, Aleksandra; Osowicka, Magdalena; Buss, Tomasz; Lichodziejewska-Niemierko, Monika
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

The term necrotizing fasciitis /NF/ was probably first described by Jones in 1871 as "hospital gangrene". NF, with its fast spreading from the local infection to massive necrosis of the underlying tissues, ie. superficial fascia and subcutaneous layers, is a potentially fatal disease, unless diagnosed early and properly treated. NF is more frequent in frail patients with chronic debilitating illnesses, immune deficiencies or from a poor social background. Sixty percent of NF cases occur in females. Here we present a case of necrotizing fasciitis of the head and neck region after a minor trauma (phenol blocks due to severe neuropathic pain) in an 82-year-old female with the history of trigeminal neuralgia.
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