B-K-parameter from N-f=2 twisted mass lattice QCD

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B-K-parameter from N-f=2 twisted mass lattice QCD

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Constantinou, M.; Dimopoulos, P.; Frezzotti, R.; Jansen, K.; Giménez Gómez, Vicente; Lubicz, V.; Mescia, Federico; Panagopoulos, H.; Papinutto, Mauro; Rossi, G.C.; Simula, S.; Skouroupathis, A.; Stylianou, F.; Vladikas, A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

We present an unquenched N-f = 2 lattice computation of the B-K parameter which controls K-0 - (K) over bar (0) oscillations. A partially quenched setup is employed with two maximally twisted dynamical (sea) light Wilson quarks, and valence quarks of both the maximally twisted and the Osterwalder-Seiler variety. Suitable combinations of these two kinds of valence quarks lead to a lattice definition of the B-K parameter which is both multiplicatively renormalizable and O(a) improved. Employing the nonperturbative RI-MOM scheme, in the continuum limit and at the physical value of the pion mass we get B-K(RGI) = 0.729 +/- 0.030, a number well in line with the existing quenched and unquenched determinations.
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