Operator product expansion and quark condensate from lattice QCD in coordinate space

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Operator product expansion and quark condensate from lattice QCD in coordinate space

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Giménez Gómez, Vicente; Lubicz, V.; Mescia, Federico; Porretti, V.; Reyes Gámez, Juan
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

We present a lattice QCD determination of the chiral quark condensate based on a new method. We extract the quark condensate from the operator product expansion of the quark propagator at short euclidean distances, where it represents the leading contribution in the chiral limit. From this study we obtain <(q) over barq > MS( 2 GeV) = -( 265 +/- 5 +/- 22MeV)(3), in good agreement with determinations of this quantity based on different approaches. The simulation is performed by using the O( a)- improved Wilson action at beta = 6.45 on a volume 32(3) x 70 in the quenched approximation.
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