B parameters of the complete set of matrix elements of delta B = 2 operators from the lattice

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B parameters of the complete set of matrix elements of delta B = 2 operators from the lattice

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Becirevic, D.; Giménez Gómez, Vicente; Martinelli, Guido; Papinutto, Mauro; Reyes Gámez, Juan
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2002

We compute on the lattice the 'bag' parameters of the five Delta-B = 2 operators of the supersymmetric basis, by combining their values determined in full QCD and in the static limit of HQET. The extrapolation of the QCD results from the accessible heavy-light meson masses to the B-meson mass is constrained by the static result. The matching of the corresponding results in HQET and in QCD is for the first time made at NLO accuracy in the MS over bar (NDR) renormalization scheme. All results are obtained in the quenched approximation.
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