Light quenched hadron spectrum and decay constants on different lattices

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Light quenched hadron spectrum and decay constants on different lattices

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Allton, C.R.; Giménez Gómez, Vicente; Giusti, L.; Rapuano, F.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1997

In this paper we study O(2000) (quenched) lattice configurations from the APE collaboration, for different lattice volumes and for 6.0 less than or equal to beta less than or equal to 6.4 using both the Wilson and the SW-Clover fermion actions, We determine the light hadronic spectrum and meson decay constants and study the mesonic dispersion relation. We extract the hadronic variable J and the strange quark mass in the continuum at the next-to-leading order obtaining m(s)(<(MS)over bar>)(mu = 2 GeV) = 122 +/- 20 MeV. A study is made of their dependence on lattice spacing, We implement a newly developed technique to extract the inverse lattice spacing using data at the simulated values of the quark mass (i.e. at masses around the strange quark mass).
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