Extraction of K -> pi pi matrix elements with Wilson fermions

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Extraction of K -> pi pi matrix elements with Wilson fermions

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Giménez Gómez, Vicente; SPQCDR Collaboration; Boucaud, Ph.; Lin, C.-J. D.; Lubicz, V.; Martinelli, Guido
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2002

We present the status of a lattice calculation for the K --> pipi matrix elements of the DeltaS=1 effective weak Hamiltonian, directly with two pion in the final state. We study the energy shift of two pion in a finite volume both in the I=0 and I=2 channels. We explain a method to avoid the Goldstone pole contamination in the computation of renormalization constants for DeltaI=3/2 operators. Finally we show some preliminary results for the matrix elements of DeltaI=1/2 operators. Our quenched simulation is done at beta=6.0, on a 24(3) x 64 lattice.
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