Non-perturbative renormalization of lattice four-fermion operators without power subtractions

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Non-perturbative renormalization of lattice four-fermion operators without power subtractions

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Donini, Andrea; Giménez Gómez, Vicente; Martinelli, Guido; Talevi, Mauro; Vladikas, A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1999

A general nonperturbative analysis of the renormalization properties of Delta I = 3/2 four-fermion operators in the framework of lattice regularization with Wilson fermions is presented. We discuss the nonperturbative determination of the operator renormalization constants in the lattice regularization independent (RI or MOM) scheme. We also discuss the determination of the finite lattice subtraction coefficients from Ward identities. We prove that, at large external virtualities, the determination of the lattice mixing coefficients, obtained using the RI renormalization scheme, is equivalent to that based on Ward identities, in the continuum and chiral limits. As a feasibility study of our method, we compute the mixing matrix at several renormalization scales, for three Values of the lattice coupling beta, using the Wilson and tree-level improved SW-Clover actions.
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