Constituent quark model study of light- and strange-baryon spectra

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Constituent quark model study of light- and strange-baryon spectra

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Valcarce Mejía, Alfredo; Garcilazo, Humberto; Vijande Asenjo, Javier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2005

We investigate the structure of the SU(3) octet and decuplet baryons employing a constituent quark model designed for the study of the baryon-baryon interaction and successfully applied to the meson spectra. The model considers through the interacting potential perturbative, one-gluon exchange, and nonperturbative, boson exchanges and confinement, aspects of the underlying theory, quantum chromodynamics (QCD). We solve the three-quark problem by means of the Faddeev method in momentum space. We analyze the effect of the different terms in the interaction and make contact with the use of relativistic kinematics. We find an explanation to the strong contribution of the pseudoscalar forces in the semirelativistic approach for the octet baryons. A phenomenological recipe for the regularization parameter of the one-gluon exchange is found.
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