Faddeev study of heavy-baryon spectroscopy

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Faddeev study of heavy-baryon spectroscopy

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Garcilazo, Humberto; Vijande Asenjo, Javier; Valcarce Mejía, Alfredo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

We investigate the structure of heavy baryons containing a charm or a bottom quark. We employ a constituent quark model successful in the description of the baryon-baryon interaction which is consistent with the light-baryon spectra. We solve exactly the three-quark problem by means of the Faddeev method in momentum space. Heavy-baryon spectrum shows a manifest compromise between perturbative and nonperturbative contributions. The flavour dependence of the one-gluon exchange is analysed. We assign quantum numbers to some already observed resonances, and we predict the first radial and orbital excitations of all states with J = 1/2 or 3/2. We combine our results with heavy-quark symmetry and lowest order SU( 3) symmetry breaking to predict the masses and quantum numbers of six still non-measured ground-state beauty baryons.
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