Heavy quark spin symmetry and SU(3)-flavour partners of the X (3872)

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Heavy quark spin symmetry and SU(3)-flavour partners of the X (3872)

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Hidalgo Duque, Carlos; Nieves Pamplona, Juan Miguel; Pavón Valderrama, Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

In this work, an Effective Field Theory (EFT) incorporating light SU(3)-flavour and heavy quark spin symmetries is used to describe charmed meson-antimeson bound states. At Lowest Order (LO), this means that only contact range interactions among the heavy meson and antimeson fields are involved. Besides, the isospin violating decays of the X(3872) will be used to constrain the interaction between the D and a (D) over bar* mesons in the isovector channel. Finally, assuming that the X(3915) and Y(4140) resonances are D* (D) over bar* and D-s* (D) over bar (s)* molecular states, we can determine the four Low Energy Constants (LECs) of the EFT that appear at LO and, therefore, the full spectrum of molecular states with isospin I = 0, 1/2 and 1.
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