Form factors for semileptonic B -> pi and D -> pi decays from the Omnes representation

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Form factors for semileptonic B -> pi and D -> pi decays from the Omnes representation

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Flynn, Jonathan M.; Nieves Pamplona, Juan Miguel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2001

We use the Omnes representation to obtain the q(2) dependence of the form factors f(+.0)(q(2)) for semileptonic H --> pi decays from elastic pi H --> pi H scattering amplitudes, where H denotes a B or D meson. The amplitudes used satisfy elastic unitarity and are obtained from two-particle irreducible amplitudes calculated in tree-level heavy meson chiral perturbation theory (HMChPT). The q(2)-dependences for the form factors agree with lattice QCD results when the HMChPT coupling constant, g, takes values smaller than 0.32, and confirm the milder dependence of f(0) on q(2) found in sumrule calculations.
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