Inclusive nucleon emission induced by quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus interactions

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Inclusive nucleon emission induced by quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus interactions

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Nieves Pamplona, Juan Miguel; Valverde Hermosilla, Manuel; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2006

We study the quasielastic contribution to the inclusive (nu(l),nu N-l),(nu(l),l(-)N),((nu) over bar (l), (nu) over bar N-l), and ((nu) over bar (l), l(+)N) reactions in nuclei by using a Monte Carlo simulation method to account for the rescattering of the outgoing nucleon. As input, we take the reaction probability from the microscopical many-body framework developed in Phys. Rev. C 70, 055503 (2004) for charged-current-induced reactions, while for neutral currents we use results from a natural extension of the model described in that reference. For neutral-current neutrino-driven reactions, the nucleon emission process studied here is a clear signal that can be used in the analysis of future neutrino experiments.
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