Meson exchange currents in kaon scattering on the lightest nuclei

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Meson exchange currents in kaon scattering on the lightest nuclei

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Kamalov, Sabit S.; Oller Berber, José Antonio; Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1997

The K+ scattering on the lightest nuclei, d, He-3, and He-4 is studied in the framework of multiple-scattering theory. Effects from meson exchange currents (MEG) tied to the K+N-->KN pi reaction are evaluated. We found that at momentum transfers Q(2)<0.5 (GeV/c)(2) contributions from MEC are much smaller than kaon rescattering corrections. This makes the conventional multiple-scattering picture a reliable tool to study these reactions in this kinematical domain and to extract the K(+)n scattering amplitude from the K(+)d data. At larger transferred momentum MEC can become more relevant.
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