Charged current weak electroproduction of the Delta resonance

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Charged current weak electroproduction of the Delta resonance

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Álvarez Ruso, Luis; Singh, Shri Krishna; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1998

We study the weak production of Delta (i.e., e(-)+p-->Delta(o)+ nu(e) and e(+) +p-->Delta(++)+<(nu)over bar>(e)) in the intermediate energy range corresponding to the Mainz and TJNAF electron accelerators. The differential cross sections sigma(theta) are found to be of the order of 10(-39) cm(2)/sr, over a range of angles which increases with energy. The possibility of observing these reactions with the high luminosities available at these accelerators, and studying the weak N-Delta transition form factors through these reactions is discussed. The production cross section of N*(1440) in the same kinematic region is also estimated and found to be smaller than the Delta production cross section. [S0556-2813(98)04005-9].
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