Renormalization of the f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) scalar resonances in a nuclear medium

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Renormalization of the f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) scalar resonances in a nuclear medium

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Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Vicente Vacas, Manuel José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2000

The meson-meson interaction in the scalar sector in the presence of a nuclear medium is studied with particular attention to the change of the properties of the f(0)(980) and a(0)(980) resonances. By using a chiral unitary approach which generates the f(0) and a(0) resonances and reproduces their free properties, we find that the position of the resonances in the medium is barely changed but their widths are considerably broadened. New many body corrections generating from higher orders in the chiral Lagrangian plus the contribution from N*h excitations, not considered before in connection with the pi pi interaction in the nuclear medium, are also investigated.
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